Wise Words

Work Harder, Drink Water

Let’s get this straight: finding motivation every day is not easy. I have given myself 100 mottos to live by that I’m sure I can’t repeat. One picture I saw on Pinterest said this, “If you fall in love with the process, the results will come.” This is something I want and will encourage you to abide by.

Yes, working out and eating healthy seems hard to do. Sometimes it’s hard to practice what you preach because most of us love food and sugary drinks. I must admit I have a huge addiction to Mexican food and coffee. I LOVE Mexican food. That’s it.

Yes, it’s good and I want to eat it ALL the time, but I try to watch what I drink while eating it. And I try to not eat it all the time, but sometimes I fail. I’m only human.

But there is something I want to stress: drink more water! I try to set water goals for myself. I make sure to drink water when I go out to eat or when I am even eating at home. I love getting a coffee in the morning, but I make sure to drink water the rest of the day. Do you see where this is going?

You can still indulge in foods or drinks that you like, if you’re being cautious and making sure you are trying some healthy recipes as well. Drinking numerous amounts of water or limiting the amounts of sugary drinks you have throughout the day, can really make a difference in the way you act and feel. You won’t leave a restaurant stuffed and bloated, and if you are, the reason won’t be from drinking water.

I know that, for me, it’s easy to say, “I am not going to drink soda,” just because I’m not a huge soda drinker anyways.

You can enjoy life while eating and drinking what you like, but also by experimenting and finding new recipes and ideas for yourself! It is very important that you drink water and limit yourself to a certain amount of coffee a day, and let some of those sodas go. I must admit to this: if you give me a Dr. Pepper, I might take your hand off for it. But I try to make it an “every now and then,” drink to reward myself.

Make sure to tell yourself, “you’ve got this.” Sometimes when we aren’t finding motivation it may be because we’re not helping ourselves. It is very important to help yourself because at the end of the day YOU are your biggest critic.

 You can’t listen to the voices inside your head.

It’s very important to tell yourself that you can be a better you! We have the advantage of taking care of ourselves and when we take the time to, we can impact not only ourselves but others as well.

Drinking water will help you mentally and physically. Water is something we must have in our diet and when you train yourself to drink it, I believe you love and appreciate it.


  1. Carry a water bottle with you all day long. If you do, you will realize how much water you drink and feel the need to refill your bottle.
  2. Buy a notebook and search for inspiring quotes to keep you motivated. Write them down.
  3. Write those quotes on sticky notes and hang them around your room and look at them each morning. Read them out loud.
  4. Do NOT listen to the voices inside your head. They aren’t worth going downhill, once you’ve just started.


Link: What water does for you!

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